Just a little about me,

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I may not be the easiest to understand but that's perfectly fine! I simply learn from today for tomorrow:)


Growing up,

Other than what a man or woman should do at home, there are also other double standards that are set because of the way we are raised. These double standards that we portray have managed to affect the way we see other and even reciprocate to our younger generations to believe the same. As for me I think its honestly so unfair and aggrsvating how men have everything so easy in this world! Then you ask men and they completely disagree defensively  thinking that women with our looks can get it all. Touching bases into what I really mean by men having it easy is that fact growing up for a man is far more simple because parents leave them as their own mentors when it comes to living their life. We give the excuse that "boys will be boys" which allows everything they do to be fine! However, since we are young us women, are told to be modest, pure, decent and our sheltered by our parents. While we give the boys the idea that all is well if they are promiscuous. It's just not right! I can completely relate to this growing up being one of two daughters and the rest boys, we were raised in the same house, but my brothers always got a ton of freedom more than I was able to get. This goes with the issue of how girls can get pregnant, but hey lets think about it guys are the ones whom get the girls pregnant! This is only teaching men that everything they do is perfectly fine, and this will never stop because they will raise their children the exact same way! Also another reason why this double standard is completely wrong is that when people are controlled and told what to do and not to do, they rebel am I right? There are many girls out there with tough parents whom try to control there every movement and they end up rebelling against and doing exactly what they were told not. Rules and regulations should all apply to all despite your gender! Another point is parents also have blame on why kids grow up believing that women are domestic takers and men just breadwinners and shouldn't help around the home. If parents raise their kids having the girls do all the house work, the only outcome would be the boys believing that's the only thing girls are made for. As everyone knows the way you set your formation of sons and daughters is the reflections of what they are going to believe and also teach to their own kids. So believing these double standards will only continue the cycle. So people lets be fair and raise them believing that men and women are capable of doing the same thing, shall we?

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